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时间2023-04-14 15:28:00 提问来自 湖南省长沙市 的网友 分类创作 浏览268
We should not rely solely on examinations to measure the academic achievements of university students. There are other, better ways to do this. Firstly, we should look at the quality of work produced by students rather than just the quantity. A student who produces one well-researched and thought-provoking paper may be more academically successful than a student who has memorized a large amount of material for an examination but does not truly understand it. Secondly, we should consider extracurricular activities when assessing academic achievement. Students who participate in activities such as debate clubs, research projects or volunteering can demonstrate their ability to think critically and apply their knowledge outside of the classroom setting. These skills are essential for future success in any field and should be taken into account when evaluating a student’s academic achievements. Finally, we should consider non-academic factors such as attitude, motivation and dedication when assessing a student’s academic success. A student with a positive attitude towards learning and a strong work ethic may be more successful than someone with excellent exam results but no real enthusiasm for learning or curiosity about their subject matter. In conclusion, exams are not always the best way to assess university students’ academic achievements; there are other methods that can provide more accurate results and give us a better understanding of what makes an individual successful in higher education.


创作工场 免责声明:

上一篇 衡量大学生的学术成就应该用比考试更好的方法,写一篇议论文300-400字 下一篇 介绍设定职业目标的过程;实现职业 目标的具体行动和成效;职业目标及行动的动态调整等(PDF 格 式,文字不超过 2000 字,图表不超过 5 张)