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时间2023-04-15 10:00:27 提问来自 上海市上海市 的网友 分类创作 浏览195
封面 上海中学东校25届48小时野外生存训练⸺采购部部长个人总结 摘要 本文介绍了上海中学东校25届48小时野外生存训练的全过程,以及由采购部部长对此次活动的总结。该活动由上海市教委、上海市教育基金会、上海市教育发展中心、上海市体育局、上海体协共同承办,旨在通过实地考察,引导学生树立正确的生活理念,并以实际行动开展“勤俭敬业”的宣传。本文分析了该活动的特征及其意义;列出了受益者、执行者和成本情况;介绍了该活动的几大特征及其意义;思考了如何通过不断宣传来保障该活动能够顺利开展。最后总结出一句话——“勤俭敬业是成就一切之前必不可少的因子”。 Introduction The Shanghai East Middle School 48-Hour Outdoor Survival Training for the 25th Session was held from October 14 to October 16, 2016. It was co-sponsored by Shanghai Municipal Education Commission, Shanghai Education Foundation, Shanghai Educational Development Center, Shanghai Sports Bureau and Shanghai Physical Association. This activity aimed to guide students to establish correct life concepts and carry out the publicity of “diligence and thriftiness” through field visits. This paper will analyze the characteristics and significance of this activity; list beneficiaries, executors and costs; introduce several major features of this activity and their meanings; think about how to ensure that this activity can be carried out smoothly through continuous publicity. Finally, a conclusion is drawn that “diligence and thriftiness are indispensable factors before achieving anything".   The purpose of this outdoor survival training is to let students understand the importance of self-reliance in life through physical exercise in nature. The organizer also invited some experienced outdoor survival experts as instructors to give lectures on outdoor knowledge such as navigation techniques, camping skills, wild food identification methods and emergency treatment techniques during the training process. In addition, during the training process, students also learned about environmental protection knowledge such as garbage classification methods and wilderness fire prevention methods. All these activities enabled students to gain practical experience in outdoor survival skills while learning related knowledge.   In order to ensure that the 48-hour outdoor survival training could be carried out smoothly without any safety risks or other problems occurring during it, our school's Purchasing Department took on many responsibilities such as purchasing necessary materials for teaching activities (such as tents), arranging transportation for teachers' transportation expenses (such as vehicles), providing catering services for teachers' meals (such as food), etc., which ensured that all aspects of teaching activities could run smoothly without any problems or delays occurring during them.   Through this 48-hour outdoor survival training event organized by our school's Purchasing Department successfully ran smoothly with no safety accidents or other issues occurring during it showed us that with careful planning beforehand combined with effective execution afterwards can make even a large scale event like ours successful without any major problems arising from it showing us just how important diligence is when it comes down to executing tasks properly so that we can achieve our goals successfully with minimal effort expended in doing so which is something we should all strive towards when carrying out tasks both big & small alike! Conclusion In conclusion, 48-hour Outdoor Survival Training was an important event organized by our school's Purchasing Department successfully which not only taught us valuable lessons about self reliance but also showed us just how important careful planning & diligent execution are when it comes down executing tasks properly so we can achieve our goals successfully with minimal effort expended in doing so!


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上一篇 心理性手抖怎么办 下一篇 扬州未来3天天气情况