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时间2023-04-15 02:18:44 提问来自 上海市上海市 的网友 分类创作 浏览221
艾维尔湖畔,位于深圳市宝安区西乡街道鹤岭路,是一个集居住、商业、休闲、文化等功能于一体的现代化社区。该小区占地面积25公顷,总户数6000多户,建有板式公寓、洋房以及别墅三种住宅形式。小区内有中央广场、中央大道以及各式各样的休闲设施,如水上乐园、运动场所等,使得这里变得更加生机勃勃。此外,小区内还有多家学校、幼儿园以及公共文化设施供当地人使用。 Aiver Lakefront, located on Heling Road, Xixiang Street, Baoan District, Shenzhen City, is a modern community integrating functions such as residence, business, leisure and culture. The community covers an area of 25 hectares and has more than 6,000 households with three types of residential buildings: panel apartments, bungalows and villas. There are central squares, central avenues and various leisure facilities such as water parks and sports venues in the community to make it more vibrant. In addition, there are many schools, kindergartens and public cultural facilities for local people to use in the community.


创作工场 免责声明:

上一篇 服装烫工技巧 下一篇 结合当前国内外形势,分析未来五年台海发展走向,谈一谈作为新时代大学生,如何为推动实现祖国统一大业贡献力量