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时间2023-04-14 19:49:21 提问来自 浙江省温州市 的网友 分类创作 浏览353
Once upon a time, there was a kind and generous old man who lived in a small village. He was always willing to help others and never asked for anything in return. One day, he noticed that the village children were playing with stones instead of toys. He decided to make them some toys out of wood, so he went out into the forest and gathered some logs. He worked hard all day long and eventually finished making the toys. On his way back home, he stopped at the village square and gave each child one toy. The children were so excited and happy that they hugged him tightly and thanked him over and over again. The old man's heart was filled with joy as he watched the children play happily with their new toys. From then on, whenever anyone asked him why he was always so happy, he would simply say: "I made some children smile today."


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上一篇 统筹发展与安全 下一篇 一、内容结构。个人成长报告包含以下五个部分。4、你的应对策略。你是怎么应对的。5、启示与感想。这件事情给你的启示是什么,你想结合自己的经历给其他同龄人什么好的建议。 就是说总体上对自己的成长经历从出生、幼儿阶段、小学、初中、高中到大学,有个较完整的描述,同时穿插讲述家庭(父母等亲友)、老师、同学同伴等对自己成长的影响,其中重点描述1-2件对自己产生正面或者负面影响的事项。 不苛求结构的分隔。 二、基本要求。 1、客观真实,是对自己真实经历的描述;不得抄袭。 2、独立成文,具有可读性。 3、不少于3000字