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写一篇英文作文,题目为“The most memorable moment of my life",词数为180词,三段式,四级水平,写作内容为个人成长

时间2024-09-10 19:17:44 提问来自 山东省济南市 的网友 分类创作 浏览72
Title: The most memorable moment of my life The most memorable moment of my life happened when I was in high school. It was the day of our school's annual speech competition, an event that I had been dreading. Public speaking had always been a huge fear of mine, and the thought of standing in front of a large audience filled me with anxiety. As my turn approached, my hands shook, and my voice faltered during the initial moments. However, as I continued to speak about my passion for literature, something within me shifted. The words flowed more naturally, and I found myself embracing the rhythm of my speech. The audience's attention and the applause that followed were exhilarating. That moment transformed my perspective on public speaking; it went from being a fear to a platform for sharing ideas and connecting with others. This experience taught me the importance of facing fears and stepping out of my comfort zone. It marked a significant step in my personal growth, turning a daunting challenge into a confident achievement.


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