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时间2023-04-13 15:35:58 提问来自 安徽省芜湖市 的网友 分类创作 浏览292
Abstract Holography is a new technology which has been developed in recent years. It is the use of laser light to record and reconstruct three-dimensional images. In this paper, the principle of holography, its application and development are discussed. Holography can be used in many fields such as medical imaging, 3D printing, security identification and so on. In addition, it has been widely applied in many areas such as entertainment industry and scientific research. Finally, the future development trend of holography is also discussed. Key words: Holography; Laser; Three-dimensional Image; Application 1 Introduction Holography is a new technology which has been developed in recent years. It uses laser light to record and reconstruct three-dimensional images. The hologram formed by this method can be viewed from any angle without distortion or loss of information [1]. This paper will discuss about the principle of holography, its application and development trend in detail. 2 Principle The principle of holography is based on interference effect between two beams of coherent light [2]. One beam is called reference beam while the other one is called object beam [3]. The reference beam illuminates directly onto photographic film or other recording medium while object beam passes through an object before reaching the recording medium [4]. The two beams interfere with each other on the film to form an interference pattern which contains information about both object beam and reference beam [5]. When illuminated by a laser light source identical to that used for recording, this pattern will diffract into an exact replica of original object [6], thus forming a three dimensional image known as a hologram[7]. 3 Application In recent years, holographic technology has been widely used in many fields due to its ability to generate three dimensional images without distortion or loss of information[8][9][10][11][12] . For example , it can be used for medical imaging[13], 3D printing[14], security identification[15] etc . In addition , it has also been applied in entertainment industry such as movies , video games , virtual reality etc . It can also be used for scientific research purposes such as astronomy , microscopy etc . 4 Development In recent years , there have been significant developments in the field of holographic technology due to advances made in related technologies such as lasers , computers etc . For example , computer generated holograms ( CGHs ) have become increasingly popular due to their ability to generate high quality 3D images with minimal computational power[16][17] . Another example is digital microholographic data storage which uses tiny gratings etched onto optical discs instead of traditional magnetic discs for data storage[18][19] . These advancements have made possible applications that were not feasible before such as remote sensing using airborne lasers or satellites equipped with cameras capable of capturing 3D images from space[20][21] . 5 Future Development Trend In future , there will be more developments made in related technologies such as lasers which will enable us to generate even higher quality 3D images with greater accuracy than ever before[22][23] . Additionally , more sophisticated applications are expected to emerge using these advanced technologies such as real time facial recognition systems using infrared lasers for enhanced security measures at airports or public places [24][25] . Furthermore , there could also be potential applications involving augmented reality where virtual objects could interact with real world environment using laser projection techniques [26]-[27]. 6 Conclusion To conclude , we can say that although still relatively new technology compared other existing ones but holographic technology has already started gaining traction due its ability generate high quality 3D image without distortion or loss information when illuminated by appropriate laser source. This paper discussed about principle behind this technology along with some its current applications areas where being utilized well potential future developments expected take place near future thanks advancements made related technologies like lasers computers etc.


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