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What is Rationalism? What is empiricism? What Are the Differences Between Rationalism and Empiricism

时间2023-04-13 09:17:26 提问来自 山东省青岛市 的网友 分类创作 浏览244
? Rationalism is a philosophical approach that emphasizes the use of reason and logic in understanding the world. It is based on the belief that knowledge can be acquired through logical deduction rather than through experience or observation. Rationalists believe that some truths can be known without any need for empirical evidence. Empiricism is a philosophical approach that emphasizes the importance of experience and observation in understanding the world. It is based on the belief that all knowledge comes from sensory experience, and it relies heavily on experimentation and observation as sources of information. Empiricists believe that all true knowledge must be based on evidence gathered through sensory perception. The main difference between rationalism and empiricism lies in their respective approaches to acquiring knowledge. Rationalists believe that some truths can be known without any need for empirical evidence, while empiricists rely heavily on experimentation and observation as sources of information. In addition, rationalism generally holds a more optimistic view about human reasoning than empiricism does, believing it to be an infallible source of truth, while empiricists view human reasoning as fallible and prone to error.


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