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时间2023-04-12 20:53:15 提问来自 陕西省西安市 的网友 分类创作 浏览366
安全技术 Telecommunications Information System Security Technology 通信信息系统安全技术是一门复杂的学科,主要用于保护传输和存储的数字信息免受未经许可的访问、使用和泄露。此外,这项技术还旨在防止任何不当行为(包括内部盗用)或者意外数字故障对通信信息系统造成的危害。 该领域包含了一些重要的方法,如加密、身份验证、数字水印、日志审计、口令安全性和权限管理。加密是一个重要的方法,由于加密能够将明文内容转化为不可读的形式。因此,在传输过程中,加密能够使得数据在传输过程中不易遭到侵略者所利用。 身份验证也是一个重要的方法;根据情况考虑时使用凭证或者生物特征来核实电子文件或者协作者之间真实性。 数字水印也常常应用在通信信息系统中;根据情况考虑时将原始文件混合到水印中来标志文件真伪并且避免侵权行为。 Telecommunications information system security technology is a complex discipline used primarily to protect digital information that is transmitted and stored from unauthorized access, use, and disclosure. In addition, this technology also aims to prevent any improper behavior (including internal theft) or accidental digital failures from damaging the telecommunications information system. This field includes important methods such as encryption, authentication, digital watermarking, log auditing, password security and privilege management. Encryption is an important method as it can transform plaintext content into unreadable form. Thus during transmission process encryption can make data less vulnerable to attackers during transmission process. Authentication is also an important method; credentials or biometric features are used depending on the situation to verify the authenticity of electronic documents or collaborators. Digital watermarking is also often applied in telecommunications information systems; original documents are mixed with watermarks depending on the situation to mark document authenticity and avoid copyright infringement.


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