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时间2023-04-08 14:15:30 提问来自 河南省新乡市 的网友 分类创作 浏览293
的文章 We must protect our oceans. Oceans cover more than two-thirds of the Earth's surface and provide a wide range of resources and services to humans, including food, energy, climate regulation, and recreation. Unfortunately, human activities are putting these resources at risk. Pollution from land-based sources is one of the main threats to ocean health. Plastic waste, agricultural runoff, and industrial chemicals are among the pollutants that degrade water quality and harm marine life. Overfishing can also have devastating effects on marine ecosystems by depleting fish stocks and disrupting food webs. In addition to direct pollution sources, climate change is having a major impact on ocean health by increasing sea temperatures, acidifying seawater, reducing oxygen levels in deep waters, melting sea ice and glaciers, and causing extreme weather events such as storms and floods. To protect our oceans we must take action both locally and globally. Locally we can reduce our use of single-use plastics; support sustainable fishing practices; reduce fertilizer use in agriculture; clean up polluted waterways; create protected areas for marine species; promote public education about ocean conservation; support local businesses that practice sustainable fishing methods;and participate in beach cleanups or other volunteer activities that help restore degraded habitats or remove debris from beaches or shorelines. Globally we need to reduce carbon emissions to slow down climate change; work with international organizations such as the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) to develop effective policies for protecting marine ecosystems; implement global agreements such as the Paris Agreement which aims to limit global warming below 2°C above preindustrial levels by 2100; invest in renewable energy sources such as wind or solar power instead of fossil fuels ;and promote public awareness about how our actions affect the environment . It is up to all of us – individuals , communities , governments , corporations –to take action now if we want future generations to benefit from healthy oceans .


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