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时间2023-04-05 16:56:28 提问来自 福建省厦门市 的网友 分类创作 浏览391
Good morning! Today is a beautiful day. I wake up early and open the window to see the sun shining in the sky. The birds are singing in the trees and I can feel a warm breeze blowing through my hair. I get dressed quickly and head out for my morning jog. As I run, I take in all of nature's beauty, from the lush green grass to the vibrant flowers that line the path. The fresh air fills my lungs and energizes me for what lies ahead. After my jog, I come home to have breakfast with my family. We sit around our dining table, enjoying each other's company while eating delicious food. We talk about our plans for today and laugh at jokes shared by everyone at the table. Once breakfast is over, it's time to get ready for school or work depending on who's going where today. But before we go our separate ways, we give each other a hug as if it were our last one before heading off into another day of adventure awaiting us all outside our doors. The rest of my day goes by quickly as I attend classes or meetings at work, but no matter how busy things get, I always find time to take a moment and appreciate what life has given me so far: good health, great friends, wonderful family members and an amazing world around me full of beauty and joy waiting to be discovered every single day! At nightfall when everything has come to an end for another beautiful day that passed by too quickly; I close my eyes with gratitude knowing that tomorrow will bring yet another chance filled with endless possibilities!


创作工场 免责声明:

上一篇 请写一篇二年级语文的看图写话《神奇的蛋壳》 下一篇 电子厂专业知识与技能有那些