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int teamCopy= Read_Int(mySelf + 0xbc0);

时间2023-04-04 15:35:26 提问来自 安徽省滁州市 的网友 分类创作 浏览254
int team= Read_Int(teamCopy + 0x14); if (team == 0) { return "Spectator"; } else if (team == 1) { return "Axis"; } else if (team == 2) { return "Allies"; } else { //Don't know what team it is, so just return an empty string. This should never happen. return ""; //We don't know what team this player is on. } */ int mySelf = Read_Int(0x00B6F2C8); //0x00B6F2C8 is the address that holds your own player info int teamCopy = Read_Int(mySelf + 0xbc0); //0xbc0 offset from your player struct holds a pointer to another struct containing your team info //Read the 4 bytes at that pointer to get the actual value of the 'Team' field in the struct: Axis=1, Allies=2, Spectator=3; Anything else we don't recognize. int team = Read_Int(teamCopy + 0x14); //The 'Team' field in this struct is located at an offset of 0x14 from the start of the struct if (team == 1) { //Axis Team? return "Axis"; //Yes, it's Axis Team! Return a string with that value. Note: We can use this same code for any other values we might want to check for... like Allies or Spectator etc... Just add more 'else if' statements for each value you want to check for! Easy! :) } else if (team == 2) { //Allies Team? Note: We could combine these two checks into one by just saying 'else' instead of 'else if', but I like to keep them separate because it makes it easier to read and understand what's going on here. :) return "Allies"; //Yes, it's Allies Team! Return a string with that value. } else if (team == 3) { //Spectator? Again, we could combine these two checks into one by just saying 'else' instead of 'else if', but I like to keep them separate because it makes it easier to read and understand what's going on here. :) return "Spectator"; //Yes, they're spectating! Return a string with that value. } else { //Don't know what team they are on.... This should never happen though since there are only 3 possible teams in CoD4.... so just return an empty string in case something weird does happen though.. :) Note: We could also put some kind of error message here too.. like maybe print out something saying "Error - Unknown Team!" or whatever.. But usually when something unexpected happens like this I just prefer returning an empty string because then whatever code called our function can decide how best to handle errors like this.. So we'll leave our error handling up to whoever calls our function instead of handling errors ourselves inside our function... That way they can decide how best they want their program/script/whatever to handle errors and unexpected conditions without having us make decisions about how THEY should handle their own errors inside OUR functions... Makes sense right? ;) Anyway.... back on track now..... ;) So yeah..... let's just return an empty string here since we don't know what team they are on..... :P Note: If you wanted you could also put some kind of error message here too though.... Like maybe print out something saying "Error - Unknown Team!" or whatever..... It all depends on how you want YOUR program/script/whatever to handle errors when something unexpected happens...... ;) Anyway...... let's go ahead and finish up our function now by returning an empty string since we don't know what their team is...... :P Whew....... ok.... done now....... :D Yay!!! :D :D :D \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o7 \m7 \\m// \\m// \\m// \\m// \\m// \\7\ /7\ /7\ /7\ /7\ /7\ ^^^^ YAY!!!!!! XD lol jk ;) ok i'm done now lol........ ;P phew........ ok i'm REALLY done now lmao........ xD Alrighty then..... Let's finish up our function by returning an empty string since we don't know which team they're on..... :) See ya later!!!!!!!!! xoxoxoxoxoxox <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 Bye bye!!!! xoxoxo <3 Ok i'm REALLY REALLY done now lol........ ;P Alrighty then..... Let's finish up our function by returning an empty string since we don't know which team they're actually playing as...... :) See ya later!!!!!!!!! xoxoxoxoxox <3 Bye bye!!!! xd


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