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时间2023-04-03 09:22:59 提问来自 贵州省黔西南州 的网友 分类创作 浏览424
National Reserve Forest Project 国家储备林项目是一项旨在改善生态环境的重大工程。它旨在保护、维护和恢复自然生态系统,以应对气候变化、水资源变化、生物多样性减少以及其他影响人类的不利因素。该项目专注于保存原始的或有利的树木,如杉木、橡木、松木和金合欢;保存特征性功能,如水文功能;并根据当地情况采用适当的造林方法。此外,该项目还将开发具体的配套设施,如道路、水电站、供水工厂以及其他必要的设施。 The National Reserve Forest Project is a major project aimed at improving the ecological environment. It aims to protect, maintain and restore natural ecosystems to cope with climate change, water resource changes, decreases in biodiversity and other adverse factors affecting human beings. The project focuses on preserving original or beneficial trees such as cedar, oak, pine and golden rain tree; preserving characteristic functions such as hydrological functions; and adopting appropriate afforestation methods according to local conditions. In addition, the project will also develop specific supporting facilities such as roads, hydropower stations, water supply plants and other necessary facilities.


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