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TheMain = UI_Window_newWindow()

时间2023-04-02 01:23:44 提问来自 上海市上海市 的网友 分类创作 浏览282
UI_Window_setTitle(windowToTheMain, "Main Menu") UI_Window_addButton(windowToTheMain, "Play", play) UI_Window_addButton(windowToTheMain, "Options", options) UI_Window_addButton(windowToTheMain, "Quit", quit) §§ 1020 end def play() #this is the function that will be called when the user clicks on the Play button in the main menu window. It will open a new window with two buttons: one for single player and one for multiplayer. The functions associated with each of these buttons are described below. windowForGameMode = UI_Window_newWindow() #This creates a new window for game mode selection. UI_Window_setTitle(windowForGameMode, "Select Game Mode") #This sets the title of this new window to Select Game Mode. UI_Window_addButton(windowForGameMode, "Single Player", singlePlayer) #This adds a button to this new window with the label Single Player and associates it with the function singlePlayer (described below). UI_Window


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