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std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> lock(thread_mutex);

时间2023-04-02 01:09:47 提问来自 上海市上海市 的网友 分类创作 浏览307
if (thread_state != ThreadState::Running){ return; } // Do the work thread_func(this); // See if we should keep running or exit if (thread_state == ThreadState::Running){ thread_state = ThreadState::Idle; } else { thread_state = ThreadState::Exited; // We're done here! Exit the thread. This is needed for platforms that don't support pthreads join(). Is there a better way to do this? This doesn't seem very safe. :( std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> lock(thread_mutex); // Need to lock in case someone is waiting on us to exit in Join() below. auto l = [](Thread *t) { t->Exit(); }; // Create a lambda function to call our Exit() function so we can use it with notifyOne(). It needs to be outside of the scope of the lock guard so that it can be called when we notify one. thread_cv.notify_one(l, this); // Notify one waiting on us that we are exiting, and pass them our pointer so they can call our Exit() function and clean up after us. return; // We're done here! Exit the thread now! } } while (true); // Keep looping until told otherwise by setting state to something other than Running or Idle. }


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