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public interface IDataBase

时间2023-04-01 22:49:35 提问来自 四川省绵阳市 的网友 分类创作 浏览263
{ void Execute(); } public class SqlDataBase : IDataBase { public void Execute() { Console.WriteLine("Executing SQL"); } public void SqlSpecificMethod() // not part of the interface, so only available to classes that implement it directly (not via a base class) { } } public class OracleDataBase : IDataBase // implementing the interface directly, so we can call Execute and any other Oracle specific methods. { // if we were to inherit from a base class that implemented the interface, then we would not be able to call Oracle specific methods. public void Execute() // this is because when you inherit from a base class, you are inheriting all of its members (including those in interfaces it implements). // this means that any members defined in derived classes will not be accessible through an instance of the base type. Console.WriteLine("Executing Oracle"); // for example if we had an instance of DataBase and called Execute on it, then even though our actual type was OracleDataBase, only the implementation in DataBase would be called as that is what is exposed by the interface. // this is why when implementing an interface it's often better to implement it directly rather than inheriting from a base class which implements it - as you won't have access to any members defined in derived classes through an instance of the base type (as they are not exposed by the interface). public void OracleSpecificMethod() // available only to classes that implement IDataBase directly - i.e. those deriving from DataBase will not have access to this method as they do not implement IDataBase themselves (only their parent does). This is because when you inherit from a base class, all members of that parent become part of your own type - including those declared in interfaces implemented by the parent. Therefore any members declared in derived classes are not accessible through an instance of just the parent type as they are not exposed by any interfaces implemented by it.


创作工场 免责声明:

上一篇 夸女生的句子有哪些 下一篇 。首先,我将学习和应用时间管理的技巧,制定合理的工作计划,并严格按照计划执行。其次,我将积极参与团队合作,学习如何有效地与他人沟通和协调。最后,我将加强对自己的认知,明确自己的优势和价值,并通过积极实践来提升自信心。