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时间2023-04-01 09:50:06 提问来自 华盛顿州Seattle 的网友 分类创作 浏览310
1. Time commitment - how much time can I dedicate to caring for the pet? 2. Financial cost - food, vet bills, accessories etc. 3. Space - do I have enough room in my home for the pet? 4. Exercise requirements - does the pet need to be walked or exercised regularly? 5. Allergies - do any family members have allergies that could be affected by a certain type of pet? 6. Pet's age and health - is this pet a good fit for my lifestyle and living arrangements? 7. Breed or species-specific needs – does the breed require specific care or attention that I am able to provide? 8. Training – is the pet already trained or will I need to invest time in training it myself? 9. Socialization – will this pet interact well with other pets and people in my home? 10. Grooming – will this pet require regular grooming, such as brushing and trimming nails etc.?


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