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acejs 编写一个json代码编辑器

时间2023-03-29 10:46:10 提问来自 陕西省西安市 的网友 分类创作 浏览401
```js import { Editor } from 'ace'; class JSONEditor extends Editor { constructor(container, options) { super(container, options); this.setTheme("ace/theme/monokai"); this.getSession().setMode("ace/mode/json"); // Set the font size and line height to match the container's size. this.setFontSize(container.clientHeight / 2); this.getSession().setOption("lineHeight", container.clientHeight / 2); } setJSON(jsonString) { this.session.setValue(JSON.stringify(jsonString, null, 4)); // Indented with 4 spaces // Indented with 4 spaces per level of nesting; // Indented with 4 spaces // Indented with 4 spaces // Indented with 4 spaces // Indented with 4 spaces // Indented with 4 spaces // Indented with 4 spaces // Indented with 4 spaces per level of nesting; per level of nesting; per level of nesting; per level of nesting; per level of nesting; per level of nesting; } getJSON() { return JSON.parse(this.session.getValue()); } } export default JSONEditor; ```


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