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时间2023-02-23 16:23:08 提问来自 江苏省南京市 的网友 分类创作 浏览336
摘要:本文介绍了工业建筑总图布局的设计原则,以及其在实施中所需考虑的各种因素。首先,本文重点介绍了工业建筑总图布局的设计原则,包括安全、便利、效益、合理性、可行性、可操作性和可控性。然后,本文对影响工业建筑总图布局的外部条件进行了详尽的分析,包括地形地势、气候条件、周围道路交通情况以及地方法律法规。此外,本文还对影响工业建筑总图布局的内部条件进行了详尽的分析,包括生产流水作业方式、生产能力要求、物流需要情况以及安全卫生标准。 关键词: 工业; 布局; 设计原则; 外部条件; 内部条件 Abstract: This paper introduces the design principles of industrial building overall layout and various factors to be considered in its implementation. Firstly, this paper focuses on the design principles of industrial building overall layout, including safety, convenience, efficiency, rationality, feasibility, operability and controllability. Secondly, this paper makes a detailed analysis of the external conditions affecting the overall layout of industrial buildings, including topography and terrain climate conditions surrounding road traffic and local laws and regulations. In addition, this paper also makes a detailed analysis of the internal conditions affecting the overall layout of industrial buildings including production flow operation mode production capacity requirements logistics needs and safety hygiene standards. Keywords: Industrial; Layout; Design Principles; External Conditions; Internal Conditions


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