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英语作文:The Course That Impressed Me Most in College

时间2023-03-26 16:48:18 提问来自 河南省郑州市 的网友 分类创作 浏览331
The course that impressed me most in college is my English class. It was a compulsory course for all of us, but I found it interesting and helpful. The teacher was an experienced one who taught us the basics of English grammar and composition. He also gave us plenty of opportunities to practice writing and speaking in English, which helped me to improve my language skills significantly. Besides, the teacher encouraged us to think critically about certain topics and express our opinions freely in class. This made the learning process more enjoyable than just memorizing grammar rules or repeating sentences without any real understanding behind them. We had lively discussions about various topics such as current events, literature or culture, which not only enriched my knowledge but also enabled me to express myself better in English. In conclusion, this English class has been a great learning experience for me that I will never forget. It has not only improved my language proficiency but also enhanced my critical thinking skills and ability to express myself effectively in English.


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