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时间2023-03-26 08:38:41 提问来自 广东省广州市 的网友 分类创作 浏览289
摘要:随着中国实施“低碳经济”的政策,农产品冷链物流在广东省的发展也受到了影响。本文以广东省为例,分析了冷链物流对低碳经济的贡献,重点关注冷链物流的效益、成本、安全性以及可持续性。通过对传统物流方式和冷链物流方式进行比较,明显发现使用冷链物流可以减少能耗、减少废弃物产生、保证食品安全以及保证食品质量。同时,还应该加大对冷链物流行业的监管力度,加快行业标准化水平的提升;合理认识传感器在此行业中的作用;加大资金投入来扶植此行业。 关键词 :低碳 经济 农产品 冷链 物流 绩效评价 Research on Performance Evaluation of Agricultural Product Cold Chain Logistics in Guangdong Province under Low Carbon Economy Abstract: With the implementation of China's low-carbon economy policy, the development of agricultural product cold chain logistics in Guangdong Province has also been affected. Taking Guangdong Province as an example, this paper analyzes the contribution of cold chain logistics to low carbon economy, focusing on the benefits, costs, safety and sustainability of cold chain logistics. By comparing traditional logistics and cold chain logistics, it is obvious that using cold chain logistics can reduce energy consumption, reduce waste generation, ensure food safety and ensure food quality. At the same time , we should also increase the supervision of cold chain logistics industry , accelerate the improvement of industry standardization level ; rationally recognize the role of sensors in this industry; increase financial investment to support this industry . Keywords: Low carbon economy; Agricultural products; Cold Chain; Logistics; Performance Evaluation


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