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Write a paragraph about Howard Hughes and his Spruce Goose, using the following criteria for evaluation.

时间2023-06-10 22:24:56 提问来自 广西壮族自治区桂林市 的网友 分类创作 浏览285
Howard Hughes was a legendary American aviator, entrepreneur, and filmmaker who is best known for his ambitious project, the Spruce Goose. The Spruce Goose was a massive flying boat that was designed and built during World War II. It was made entirely of wood, including its wings, which were made of spruce. The plane had a wingspan of 320 feet, making it the largest aircraft ever built at the time. Despite its impressive size, the Spruce Goose only flew once, for a distance of one mile, in 1947. Despite its limited success, the Spruce Goose remains an iconic symbol of American ingenuity and innovation. Howard Hughes' dedication to pushing the boundaries of aviation technology and his unwavering commitment to his vision of the Spruce Goose is a testament to his legacy as a pioneer in the field of aviation.


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