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写一个关于燃油汽车与新能源汽车之间的的差异与优劣 的大学本科论文 字数在5000字

时间2023-03-23 09:35:59 提问来自 湖南省张家界市 的网友 分类创作 浏览311
以上 摘要 本文旨在比较燃油汽车与新能源汽车之间的差异与优劣。首先,本文介绍了燃油和新能源的定义,并分别介绍了它们的发展历史。然后,本文重点对比了这两者之间在成本、性能、安全性、使用方便性、环境影响力五个方面的差异与优劣。最后,根据上述分析,得出如下结论: 相对于传统的燃料来说,新能源是一项可行而必要的发展战略; 新能源相对于传统的内部燃料来说具备显著的优势; 但是由于生产成本高、适应性不够好以及充电站尚不完备考虑到所有这一切因此目前来看尚不能大量应用。 Introduction The development of automobile industry has been remarkable in the past decades. The most common type of cars is still powered by internal combustion engine, which is fueled by petroleum-based gasoline or diesel. However, with the increasing awareness of environmental protection and energy conservation, new energy vehicles have become a promising alternative to traditional fuel vehicles. This essay will compare differences and advantages between fuel cars and new energy cars from five aspects: cost, performance, safety, convenience of use and environmental impact. Definition and History of Fuel Cars and New Energy Cars Fuel car refers to the vehicle powered by internal combustion engine that uses gasoline or diesel as fuel. Such kind of car has been developed for more than a century since its invention in 1885. With continuous improvement in technology and production process, the efficiency of fuel car has been greatly improved while its price has become much more affordable than before. New energy vehicle is a vehicle powered by electric motor with battery as its power source instead of traditional fuels such as gasoline or diesel. This kind of vehicle was invented in 1828 but it was not until recent decades that it started to be commercialized due to technological advancement in battery technology as well as other components such as electric motors which make them much more efficient than ever before. Cost Comparison between Fuel Cars and New Energy Cars In terms of cost comparison between these two kinds of vehicles, fuel cars are still cheaper than new energy cars due to their mature production process which makes them more affordable for consumers with low budget. On average, the price for a brand new fuel car can be about one third lower than that for a brand new electric car at present market rate . Moreover , maintenance cost for fuel cars are also lower compared with those for electric cars considering their simpler structure .However , this does not mean that all types of electric vehicles are expensive . Some models have relatively low prices even lower than some mid-range models powered by internal combustion engine . Performance Comparison between Fuel Cars and New Energy Cars In terms of performance comparison between these two kinds ,fuel -powered vehicles generally have higher acceleration capability compared with those running on electricity due to their higher torque output at low speed range .On the contrary ,new -energy vehicles usually provide better driving experience at high speed range because they can maintain constant torque output over wide range speed while petrol engines tend to lose power when running at high speed . In addition ,electric motors are also quieter during operation compared with petrol engines so they provide smoother driving experience even when accelerating from standstill position . Safety Comparison between Fuel Cars and New Energy Cars When it comes to safety comparison between these two kinds ,fuel -powered vehicles generally have better crashworthiness rating since they are equipped with heavier chassis structure which can absorb greater impact forces during collisions ; whereas most current models running on electricity still lack sufficient protection against collision forces due to their lighter body weight . Furthermore , fire hazard caused by leakage or improper handling is also much higher in petrol -driven vehicles since combustible fuels such as gasoline or diesel can easily ignite if exposed directly into air under certain conditions whereas batteries used in electric motors do not pose similar risks under normal circumstances . Convenience Of Use Comparison Between Fuel Car And New Energy Car In terms of convenience comparison between these two kinds ,fuel -powered car offer greater flexibility when it comes to refueling since petrol stations are widely available across country while charging stations remain scarce especially outside cities ; hence drivers need plan ahead if they want drive an electrically powered vehicle long distance otherwise they may find themselves stranded halfway through journey without enough charge left on battery pack . On other hand ,electricity used recharging batteries is much cheaper compared with petrol so users will save money over time if they choose go down route owning an electrically driven car rather than buying one running on combustible fuels like gasoline or diesel . Environmental Impact Comparison Between Fuel Car And New Energy Car Last but not least let’s take look environmental impact comparison between these two types : burning fossil fuels like oil releases large amount greenhouse gases into atmosphere leading global warming effect whereas electricity generated from renewable sources such solar wind geothermal etc doesn’t produce any pollutants thus having no contribution global warming issue ; moreover current generation batteries used powering electrically driven cars also don’t contain any hazardous materials making them safe dispose once reach end life cycle hence no toxic waste produced when disposing old batteries either way making them environmentally friendly option compare traditional petroleum based fuels like gas oil etc Conclusion Based above analysis we can conclude following points : relative traditional fuels new energies viable necessary development strategy ; new energies possess significant advantages over traditional internal combustion engines however due high production costs inadequate adaptability incomplete charging station consider all factors currently cannot applied extensively yet


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