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x公司越南市场国际营销策略 毕业论文范文

时间2023-03-18 21:44:25 提问来自 广东省广州市 的网友 分类创作 浏览208
摘要 越南作为一个新兴的市场,吸引着许多外国企业前去投资发展。随着中国的迅速发展,中国企业也在这一领域取得了显著成就。x公司是一家以销售服装、电子产品、家用电器等为主的大型零售企业,正在考虑进军越南市场。本文将从当前情况出发,分析x公司应该采取何种国际营销策略来实施其市场扩张战略。 关键词:x 公司 越南 国际 营销 策略 Introduction Vietnam is an emerging market that has attracted many foreign companies to invest and develop. With the rapid development of China, Chinese enterprises have also achieved remarkable achievements in this field. X company is a large retail enterprise mainly selling clothing, electronic products, home appliances and so on, which is considering entering the Vietnam market. This paper will analyze from the current situation what kind of international marketing strategy should be adopted by X company to implement its market expansion strategy. Analysis of Current Situation 1. Market Environment: Vietnam's economy has been growing rapidly in recent years, with GDP growth rate reaching 6% in 2018 and 6.8% in 2019 (World Bank Group). The country's population has reached 95 million with a young population structure that is conducive to economic development (National Bureau of Statistics). In addition, Vietnam's geographical location makes it an important hub for trade between China and Southeast Asia countries. 2. Market Competitiveness: In terms of international competitiveness, Vietnam ranks 68th out of 141 countries according to the 2019 Global Competitiveness Report (World Economic Forum). The report shows that the country has a relatively low level of labor costs compared with other countries in Southeast Asia region and it also enjoys preferential trade policies from other countries such as tariff reduction or exemption for certain goods imported from ASEAN member states (ASEAN Secretariat). 3. Legal System: The legal system in Vietnam is still underdeveloped compared with developed countries such as China or Japan but it has been gradually improving over time (Vietnam Law & Legal Forum). The government has implemented several legal reforms aiming at creating a better business environment for foreign investors including simplifying administrative procedures related to setting up a business or opening bank accounts etc., which make it easier for foreign investors to enter the Vietnamese market (Vietnam Investment Review). International Marketing Strategy Recommendations 1. Branding Strategy: It is important for X Company to establish its brand image before entering into the Vietnamese market since there are already many competitors operating in this sector such as Uniqlo or Zara etc.. Therefore, X Company should focus on developing an effective branding strategy that can differentiate itself from other competitors by highlighting its unique features or advantages over them through advertising campaigns or promotional activities etc.. This can help create awareness among potential customers about X Company’s products/services and thus increase its sales volume in this new market. 2. Pricing Strategy: As mentioned above, Vietnam enjoys preferential trade policies from other countries due to its geographical location which means that there are opportunities for companies like X Company to reduce their production costs by taking advantage of these policies when exporting their products/services into this new market . Therefore ,X Company should consider adjusting its pricing strategy accordingly so as to remain competitive while maximizing profits at the same time .For example ,it could offer discounts on certain items during festivals or special occasions etc., so as attract more customers and increase sales volume . 3. Distribution Channel Strategy: When entering into any new markets ,it is important for companies like X Company not only focus on product/service quality but also pay attention on how they distribute their products/services .Therefore ,X Company should consider establishing partnerships with local distributors who can help them reach more potential customers efficiently .Moreover ,the company could explore online distribution channels such as e-commerce platforms where they can directly sell their products/services without having physical stores .This would help reduce overhead costs associated with setting up physical stores while allowing them access larger customer base at same time . Conclusion In conclusion ,for x company entering into Vietnamese markets successfully ,it need not only have good product quality but also need adopt suitable international marketing strategies including branding strategy、pricing strategy、distribution channel strategy etc.. By doing so ,the company can effectively differentiate itself from competitors while increasing sales volume at same time .


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