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In your opinion , What obstruct ( s ) the young from developing the ability of independent thinking

时间2023-04-20 14:58:50 提问来自 天津市天津市 的网友 分类创作 浏览197
1. Lack of exposure and access to education: Young people often lack access to quality education and resources that could help them develop their critical thinking skills. 2. Pressure from society: Social pressure can lead young people to conform to the norms of society instead of developing their own independent thought processes. 3. Fear of failure: The fear of failure can prevent young people from taking risks and trying new things, which is essential for developing independent thinking skills. 4. Lack of self-confidence: Low self-confidence can prevent young people from believing in themselves and their ideas, which is necessary for independent thinking. 5. Media influence: The media often promotes a certain way of thinking, which can limit the ability for young people to develop their own unique thought processes.


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