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时间2023-04-19 19:50:59 提问来自 北京市北京市 的网友 分类创作 浏览328
Self-healing Polymer Materials: A Review Abstract This paper reviews the current state of self-healing polymer materials, including their synthesis, characterization, and applications. Self-healing polymers are a relatively new class of materials which exhibit the ability to repair damage caused by mechanical or environmental stress. These materials can be tailored to have specific properties such as strength, flexibility, and durability. The main focus of this review is on the synthesis and characterization of self-healing polymers and their potential applications in various fields such as electronics, automotive parts, medical devices, construction materials and coatings. The advantages and disadvantages of these materials are discussed in detail. Finally, future research directions for further study are suggested. Introduction The development of novel polymeric materials has been an area of active research for many years due to their wide range of applications in various industries (1). Recently, a new class of polymeric material has emerged that has the ability to self-repair when exposed to mechanical or environmental stress (2). This type of material is known as a “self-healing” polymer material (3). Self-healing polymers have been developed with different properties such as strength, flexibility and durability (4). This review focuses on the synthesis and characterization methods used for self-healing polymer materials as well as their potential applications in various fields including electronics, automotive parts, medical devices and construction materials. Synthesis Methods Self-healing polymers can be synthesized using several different methods depending on the desired properties (5). Crosslinking or grafting techniques are commonly used to form crosslinks between monomers which results in increased strength compared to noncrosslinked systems (6). Another method involves incorporating healing agents into the polymer matrix which react upon exposure to an external stimulus such as heat or light (7). A third approach involves embedding microcapsules containing healing agents into the matrix which rupture upon contact with an external stimulus releasing the healing agent within them (8). Finally chemical reactions between monomers can also be used for self-repairing purposes by forming covalent bonds between them when exposed to certain conditions such as temperature or pressure changes(9) . Characterization Methods Several methods can be employed for characterizing self-healing polymer materials including thermal analysis techniques such as differential scanning calorimetry(DSC), dynamic mechanical analysis(DMA), thermogravimetric analysis(TGA)and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy(FTIR)which provide information about thermal stability , viscoelastic behavior , weight loss ,and molecular structure respectively(10) . Other techniques like Xray diffraction , scanning electron microscopy , atomic force microscopy ,and raman spectroscopy can also be employed for studying morphology , crystallinity , surface topography etc.(11) . Mechanical tests like tensile testing , compression testing etc.,can also be performed in order to determine mechanical properties like tensile strength Young's modulus etc.(12) . Applications Self healing polymer material have numerous potential applications due its unique abilityto repair itself upon exposureto external stimuli . These include useinelectronics components where they couldbe usedfor encapsulating sensitive components from harsh environmentalsuchas high temperatureor humidity(13) . Automotiveparts madefromthesematerialscouldalsobe utilizedas theycouldhelpimprovethereliabilityofvehiclesbyreducingthecostofmaintenanceandreplacementduetotheirabilitytoself healwhenexposedtomechanicalstressorssuchasimpactorscratchesetc.(14 ) Medicaldevicesmadefromself healingpolymerscouldalsobeusedinmanyapplicationssuchaspatientmonitoringdevicesorthoseusedfor drugdeliverysystemsastheywouldhaveenhanceddurabilityandflexibilitycomparedtononself healingmaterials.(15 ) Theyhavealsobeenproposedforuseincontructionmaterialswheretheycouldhelpimprovethestructure’sdurabilitybyallowingitselftorepairanydamagecausedbyenvironmentalstresseslikehighwindpressureorhailstormsetc.(16 ) Finally coatingsmadefromthesepolymershavebeenproposedforthesamepurposeastheywouldallowdamagetoberepairedwithouthavingtoremovetheoldcoatingandreapplyanewoneeverytimeadamageoccurs.(17 ) Advantages & Disadvantages The main advantageofself healingpolymermaterialsis thattheyareabletorepairthemselvesuponcontactwithanexternalstimulussuchashightemperatureorlightwhichmakesthemidealforapplicationswheremechanicaldurabilityisimportantbutreplacementisnotfeasibleordesirable.(18 ) Additionallythesematerialshavehigherstrengthflexibilityanddurabilitythanconventionalnonself healingpolymermaterialswhichmakesitpossibletomakecomponentsthataremoreresistanttocrackingorpuncturingthanthosemadefromtraditionalmaterials.(19 ) However thereareseveralchallengesassociatedwithusingthesepolymersincludingdifficultiesincontrollingtheirsynthesisprocessesandslowreactiontimesthatlimittherateatwhichdamagemayberepaired.(20 ) Furthermoretherearestillseveralknowledgegapsregardingtheirmechanismsofactionthatneedstobefilledbeforetheycanbeconsideredfortechnicalapplicationsonlargescalescalesindifferentindustries.[21] Future Research Directions Despite all these challenges there is still much potential for further research on self-repairing polymer materials. For instance more work needs to be done regarding controlling synthesis processes so that tailor made structures with desired properties can be obtained more easily.[22] Additionally studies should focus on understanding how different environmental factors affect these structures so that they may become more reliable over longer periods.[23] Moreover further studies need to investigate how these structures interact with other substances so that they may become suitable for use in commercial products.[24]Finallyresearchshouldalsofocusonimprovingtheresponse timeofthesesystemssothattheycanrepairdamagequicker[25].In conclusion this review provides an overviewofthestateoftheartinthesynthesischaracterizationandapplicationsofself repairingpolymerstructureswhilehighlightingboththeiradvantagesdisadvantagesandsuggestingfutureresearchdirectionsforthisfieldofstudy[26].


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