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时间2023-04-17 12:21:17 提问来自 安徽省宣城市 的网友 分类创作 浏览198
研究 摘要:护理专业劳动教育是一门重要的学科,它不仅能培养有效的、有能力的护理人员,而且还可以促进医院的管理水平。本文将对护理专业劳动教育文献进行分析和总结,试图了解相关文献中所体现出来的思想、方法和内容。从文献中可以得出以下三个方面的总体特征:1. 护理专业劳动教育应遵循“实用化”原则;2. 劳动教育应重视实习和立体化;3. 护理人员应通过多项学习手段来不断提高工作能力。此外,在当前形式上,对于如何在不同情况、不同时代中选择最合适的方法来开展工作也是一大难题。 关键词:护理 专业 劳动 教育 文献 Literature Review on Nursing Professional Labor Education Abstract: Nursing professional labor education is an important subject, which not only can cultivate effective and competent nursing personnel, but also can promote the management level of the hospital. This paper will analyze and summarize the literature of nursing professional labor education, trying to understand the ideas, methods and contents reflected in the related literature. Three general characteristics can be drawn from the literature: 1) Nursing professional labor education should follow the principle of "practicality"; 2) Labor education should pay attention to internship and three-dimensionalization; 3) Nurses should continuously improve their working ability through a variety of learning means. In addition, it is also a big problem how to choose the most appropriate method to carry out work in different situations and different times under current form. Keywords: Nursing Professional Labor Education Literature


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