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时间2023-04-17 10:33:33 提问来自 河南省郑州市 的网友 分类创作 浏览330
The Study of Pragmatic Traps in the Speech of Network Live Broadcasting Under the Perspective of Adaptation Theory 摘要:网络直播带货是一种新兴的营销形式,它以在线直播的方式将产品介绍给观众,使用话语来吸引观众的注意力。然而,与传统广告不同,由于直播本身具有实时性和可交互性特征,因此对主播的话语要求也大大增加。本文以顺应理论为理论依托,通过分析文本数据中出现的话语陷阱来考察当前带货主播使用话语时存在的问题。根据分析发现:带货主播存在显性表述不够准确、隐性表述不够通透、情感表述不够真实、信念表述不够可信、理念表述不够具体、内容表述不够个性化以及标准化表述不够看得到之问题。此外,我们也将对上述问题中存在的原因作出分析并尝试采取一些应对方法来避免出现上述问题。 Abstract: Network live broadcasting is a new form of marketing. It introduces products to audiences in an online live broadcast and uses speech to attract their attention. However, unlike traditional advertising, due to the real-time and interactive characteristics of live broadcasting itself, the requirements for anchors' speech have also greatly increased. This paper takes adaptation theory as its theoretical basis, and analyzes the pragmatic traps in text data to investigate the current problems encountered by anchor when using speech. According to the analysis, there are problems such as explicit expression not being accurate enough, implicit expression not being transparent enough, emotional expression not being true enough, belief expression not being credible enough, concept expression not being specific enough, content expression not being personalized enough and standardized expression not visible enough. In addition, we will also analyze the reasons for these problems and try to take some countermeasures to avoid them.


创作工场 免责声明:

上一篇 换向阀可以比做什么人 下一篇 结合当代世界所面临的时代课题和当代青年所肩负的使命,谈谈马克思主义的当代价值和指导意义