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时间2023-04-17 07:55:59 提问来自 陕西省西安市 的网友 分类创作 浏览298
摘要 本文通过对一家知名电商企业能创造价值的核心业务的分析,总结出了该企业可以创造价值的核心业务,包括营销、供应链、物流、客户服务等。首先,文章介绍了电子商务行业的发展历史,然后重点讨论了该企业面对竞争市场时所采取的战略。其次,文章探讨了该企业面对当前市场所采取的相关战略,如供应链、物流、客户服务等。最后,文章总结出该企业面对当前市场所采取的相关战略是正确而有效的。 Introduction 随着信息时代来临, 电子商务已成为一门大学门, 无论是小型企业还是大型企业都开始使用电子商务作为生意方式. 电子商务不但能够快速将促销信息传递到客户之中, 还能够使得原材料供应者, 制造者, 配送者之间形成协作. 由此看来, 现代电子商务已不再是单独一人之行; 这使得它在竞争中占上风. This paper aims to discuss the core business of a well-known e-commerce company that can create value. To begin with, this paper will introduce the development history of e-commerce industry, and then focus on the strategies adopted by this company when facing competitive market. Secondly, this paper will explore the relevant strategies adopted by this company in face of current market such as supply chain management , logistics , customer service and so on . Finally , this paper will conclude that the relevant strategies adopted by this company in face of current market are correct and effective . Development History of E-Commerce Industry E-commerce is not a new concept but one which has grown exponentially over recent years . The first electronic commerce transaction was conducted in 1972 when students from Stanford University and MIT exchanged books using Arpanet . Since then , technology has advanced rapidly allowing more sophisticated transactions to be conducted online . This has led to an explosion in e - commerce activity with businesses now able to reach global markets quickly and efficiently . As a result , many companies have been able to take advantage of the opportunities presented by e - commerce to grow their business substantially . Strategies Adopted by This Company When Facing Competitive Market In order for any business to succeed in today's competitive environment it is essential that they have an effective strategy for dealing with competition . For example , one way for a business to gain an edge over its competitors is through marketing initiatives such as advertising or promotions which can help them reach out to potential customers more effectively than their competitors can do so themselves. In addition , businesses must also ensure that they are providing high quality products or services at competitive prices if they want customers to choose them over other competitors in the market place. Furthermore , businesses should also consider how they can differentiate themselves from their competitors through offering unique features or services which make them stand out from their competition. This is something that many successful companies have done successfully in order for them to gain a competitive advantage over others in their industry. Relevant Strategies Adopted By This Company In Face Of Current Market In order for any e - commerce business to remain competitive it is essential that they adopt certain strategies which enable them create value for their customers while remaining profitable themselves. For instance , one important strategy used by successful e - commerce companies is supply chain management (SCM) which involves managing all aspects of product sourcing and delivery including supplier relationships , inventory management and transportation logistics etc.. Furthermore , customer service plays an important role in helping businesses build strong relationships with their customers as well as ensuring customer satisfaction levels are maintained at all times . Finally , efficient logistics systems are necessary if businesses want goods delivered quickly and safely without incurring excessive costs along the way . All these factors combined help create value for customers while ensuring profitability for the company itself. Conclusion To conclude , it can be seen that there are various core activities undertaken by successful e - commerce companies which enable them create value while remaining profitable themselves such as marketing initiatives ,supply chain management ,customer service ,logistics systems etc.. These activities combine together help ensure that businesses remain competitive while gaining an edge over others within their industry thus enabling them achieve long term success within today's highly dynamic marketplace


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