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how I can reflect on and identify my strengths as a listener and speaker and think about the strateg

时间2023-04-16 22:29:18 提问来自 上海市上海市 的网友 分类创作 浏览201
1. Reflect on your strengths as a listener: • Pay attention to what the speaker is saying and ask relevant questions to show genuine interest in the conversation. • Remain open-minded and non-judgmental when someone is speaking. • Show empathy and understanding by actively listening to the speaker’s point of view. • Remain focused on the conversation by avoiding distractions such as checking your phone or daydreaming. 2. Reflect on your strengths as a speaker: • Prepare for conversations by gathering relevant information and formulating clear points ahead of time. • Speak confidently with an appropriate volume, tone, and pace that allows for effective communication with others. • Use eye contact, gestures, and other nonverbal cues to emphasize important points in the conversation. • Be mindful of how you phrase things so that it comes off as respectful rather than confrontational or aggressive. 3. Think about strategies to improve your listening and speaking skills: • Practice active listening techniques such as summarizing what was said or paraphrasing what was heard back to the speaker in order to ensure understanding of the message being conveyed. • When speaking, take pauses between statements or ideas so that it can be processed more easily by listeners before continuing with further explanation or elaboration on a point made earlier in the conversation. • Try role-playing conversations with friends or family members in order to practice different scenarios where both active listening and effective communication are needed for successful dialogue exchange between two parties involved


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