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以job or master's degree为题写一篇英文作文

时间2023-04-16 21:39:27 提问来自 弗吉尼亚州Ashburn 的网友 分类创作 浏览301
Job or Master's Degree When deciding on a career path, many people face the dilemma of whether to pursue a job or a master's degree. On the one hand, having a job can bring stability and income right away. On the other hand, getting a master's degree can open up more opportunities for career advancement in the long run. In terms of stability, having a job is usually more beneficial than getting a master's degree. A job provides steady income that can be used to pay bills and support oneself or one’s family. It also offers some level of security since there is less risk involved in relying on an employer for income than relying on oneself to find work after graduating from school. However, when it comes to career advancement, getting a master’s degree often provides better prospects in the long run. A master’s degree indicates higher levels of knowledge and expertise in certain areas which employers may find attractive when considering potential candidates for positions within their organizations. Additionally, many employers offer higher salaries and more responsibilities to those with advanced degrees over those without them. Ultimately, whether someone should pursue a job or get their master’s degree depends on their individual circumstances and goals for their future career path. If they are looking for stability right away then they may benefit from taking up employment while continuing their studies at night or on weekends if possible; however if they want more opportunities for advancement then pursuing a master’s degree may be the best option for them in the long run


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