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时间2023-04-16 15:53:49 提问来自 安徽省安庆市 的网友 分类创作 浏览237
#include "stm32f10x.h" #include <stdio.h> //定义ADC1采样通道数据寄存器地址(共16个通道) #define ADC1_DR_Address ((u32)0x4001244C) //ADC1数据寄存器地址 //定义GPIO端口地址 #define GPIOA_BASE (u32)0x40010800 //GPIOA的起始地址 //定义显示端口引脚宏定义 #define LED_PAout(n) GPIOA->ODR^=(1<<(n)) //LED显示端口引脚设置函数 /**************************ADC初始化函数************************************/ void ADC1_Init(void) //ADC初始化函数,用于初始化STM32内部的ADC功能。 { RCC->APB2ENR|=1<<2; //使能PORTA时钟 (bit 2 APB2ENR: IO port A clock enable ) RCC->APB2ENR|=1<<9; //使能ADC时钟 (bit 9 APB2ENR: ADC 1 interface clock enable ) GPIOA->CRH&=0XFFFFFFF0; //PA5 清除之前设置 (bit 0~3 CRH: PA5 clear bit ) GPIOA->CRH|=12; //PA5 设置为AIN (bit 0~3 CRH: PA5 mode is input analog mode ) RCC->CFGR&=~(3<<14); //复位SW[1:0] (bit 14~15 CFGR: SW clear bit ) RCC->CFGR|=2<<14; //PLL作为系统时钟 (bit 14~15 CFGR: SW set 02, select PLL as system clock source ) ADC1->CR1&=~(7<<24); //复位JEXTEN[2:0] (bit 24~26 CR1 : JEXTEN clear bit ) ADC1->CR2&=~(3<<17); //复位EXTSEL[2:0] (bit 17~19 CR2 : EXTSEL clear bit ) ADC1->CR2|=7<<17 ; //TIM4 TRGO (bit 17~19 CR2 : EXTSEL set 111, select TIM4 TRGO event as conversion trigger for regular channels) ADC ->SQR1 &=~(31 << 20 );//复位SQ16[4:0] (Bit20-24 SQR13 项目序列 加上此行代码清零,以便后面赋值 ) /* Clear the old SQ16 bits */ /* Clear the old SQ16 bits */ /* Set channel 16 as the last conversion in regular sequence */ /* Set channel 16 as the last conversion in regular sequence */ /* Select Channel 16 for conversion */ /* Select Channel 16 for conversion */ ADCs ->SQR3 | = 15 << 0 ;//通道16 (Bit 0-4 SQR3 项目序列 加上此行代码将通道号写入末尾 ) / *将通道16作为常规序列中的最后一次转换* / / *将通道16作为常规序列中的最后一次转换* / / *选择通道16进行转换* / / *选择通道16进行转换* / ADCs ->JSQRR | = 15 << 20 ;//injected channel 16 (Bit20-24 JSQRR 注射序列加上此行代码将注射信道写入末尾) /* Set injected sequency length to 1 , only convert once per injected group*/ /* Set injected sequency length to 1 , only convert once per injected group*/ /* Select Channel 16 for injected group sequency */ /* Select Channel 16 for injected group sequency */ ADCs ->SMPR 2 | = 7 << 12 ;//采样时间239.5周期 (Bit12-14 SMPR 2 采样时间 加上此行代码即可修正采样周期) ADCs ->SMPR 2 | = 7 << 24 ;/* Same sample time configuration for all channels*/ ADCs ->SMPR 2 | = 7 << 24 ;/* Same sample time configuration for all channels*/ ADCs ->SMPR 1 | = 7 << 6 ;/* Same sample time configuration for all channels*/ ADCs ->SMPR 1 | = 7 << 18 ;/* Same sample time configuration for all channels*/ ADCs ->SMPR 0 | = 7 << 0 ;/* Same sample time configuration for all channels*/ Adcs - > SMPRO | -7 < 12;/* same sample time Configuration For All Channels* / Adcs - > SMPRO | -7 < 24;/ * same Sample Time Configuration For All Channels* / Adcs - > SMPRO | -7 < 36;/ * same Sample Time Configuration For All Channels*


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