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时间2023-04-16 13:56:43 提问来自 湖南省常德市 的网友 分类创作 浏览228
import random import time def print_pause(message_to_print): print(message_to_print) time.sleep(2) def intro(): print_pause("You find yourself standing in an open field, filled with grass and yellow wildflowers.") print_pause("Rumor has it that a dragon is somewhere around here, and has been terrifying the nearby village.") # 打印游戏剧情介绍,让玩家了解游戏背景。 # 创建一个函数来处理用户的选择: def play(): # 开始函数play() response = input("Would you like to (1) fight or (2) run away?\n") # 询问用户要选择哪个动作? if response == '1': # 用户选择了打斗 fight() # 调用fight()函数,开始打斗 elif response == '2': # 用户选择了逃跑 runaway() # 调用runaway()函数,开始逃跑 else: # 如果用户输入的不是1也不是2,就重复询问他要干什么。 play() # 重复询问直到正确的动作输入。 # 创建一个fight函数来处理打斗场景: def fight(): # 函数fight()开始       print_pause("As you approach the dragon, you see that he has two heads.\n")     print_pause("He stares at you with his red eyes and then opens his jaws to roar!\n")     print_pause("You feel a bit scared but bravely ready your sword for the battle.\n")     dragon = random.choice(['head', 'tail'])  # 随机生成dragon变量的值为head 或者 tail       if dragon == "head":  # 如果dragon变量的值是head           print_pause("You quickly slice off one of its heads! \n")            print_pause("The dragon falls down dead on the ground. \n")            victory()  # 进入victory场景       elif dragon == "tail":  # 如果dragon变量的值是tail           print


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