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时间2023-04-16 08:30:44 提问来自 江苏省苏州市 的网友 分类创作 浏览363
人工智能导论 摘要 本文旨在介绍人工智能(AI)的基本原理和发展历程。首先,我们将回顾AI的发展历史,从1956年开始到当前。然后,我们将讨论AI的定义、目标、应用领域、可行性问题和技术难点。此外,我们还将研究一些常用的AI方法,包括机器学习、神经网络、遗传算法、决策树、规则学习、自然语言处理和图形处理。此外,还将重点介绍一些与人工智能相关的重要话题:例如未来的AI可能性、安全问题与道德考量。最后,我们将就不同意见对人工智能进行总体评估。 Introduction 随着数字化时代来临并改变了生活方式, 人工智能(AI)作为一个新兴学习领域逐步升华. 在过去几十年中, AI 已逐步地应用于不同行业, 并带来了很大的好处. 然而, AI 的快速发展也引发了一定的安全隐忧. 本文旨在总体上回顾 AI 的历史, 技术特征, 技术难度, 关注重要话题 (如安全) 以及不同意见对 AI 进衅总体评估. History of Artificial Intelligence 1956年是人工智能作为独立学习分子出生之年. 那年7月29日Dartmouth College 由John McCarthy (McCarthy 1956) 领导者John McCarthy (McCarthy 1956), Marvin Minsky (Minsky 1961), Nathaniel Rochester (Rochester 1956) and Claude Shannon(Shannon & Weaver 1963). 这是大会郭宣布 "The Summer Research Project on Artificial Intelligence" (“夏季人工智能” ) (McCarthy et al., 1955). 大会郭声明:"The study is to proceed on the basis of the conjecture that every aspect of learning or any other feature of intelligence can in principle be so precisely described that a machine can be made to simulate it." (“这一课题是根据这样一个想法考虑: 无计地凡是学习或者所有形式情况中所包含的物理特征都必然是如此明显考察到位使得一部电子数字办法就能够浓浓呈诸如此般" ) AI research went through several cycles over the following decades where some ideas were explored and then abandoned as too difficult or not feasible at the time. The first wave was during the 1950s and 60s when researchers focused on symbolic approaches such as logic-based systems and rule-based systems for problem solving. This was followed by a period in which research shifted towards knowledge-based systems in an effort to make them more robust and able to handle more complex problems using heuristics and expert systems techniques. During this period there was also an increased focus on natural language processing which enabled computers to understand spoken language as well as written text. In the 1980s researchers began exploring neural networks which enabled computers to learn from data rather than relying solely on preprogrammed rules or instructions from humans. This approach proved highly successful in many areas such as computer vision and robotics leading to an explosion of interest in these areas during the 1990s and 2000s with significant advances being made in deep learning algorithms which have further improved performance for many tasks including speech recognition and image classification tasks. Definition & Goals 人工智能是一门集信念信念信念信念信念信念信念信念信誉誊誊誊誊誊誊誊_ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ __ __ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ __ __ __ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ___________________________________ . 进考_ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ __ __ ___ ___ ______________________________________________________________ . 进考_ __._ ._._ ._._._ ._._ ._._ ._._ ._._ ._._ ._.._. .._. .._. .._. .._. .._. .._.. . 使甩办法眷眷眷眷眷眷眷眷眷奸奸奸奸奸奸奸呈诸如此般决断凶悪凶悪气气气气气气气决断凶悪凶悪决断凶悪凶悪决断凶悪()()()()()()()(())())())())())()) ())))))) () () () () ) ) ) ) ) )) )) ))) ))) )) ))) )) )))))) ). 末尾上上上上上上上上 , 高端办法办法办法办法办法办法办


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