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时间2023-04-16 06:52:39 提问来自 海南省海口市 的网友 分类创作 浏览253
Once upon a time there was a young man named Jack. He had been in love with his best friend, Jane, for as long as he could remember. He had never been able to tell her how he felt though, so he kept it all inside. One day, Jack was walking through the park when he saw Jane sitting on a bench. She looked so beautiful and peaceful that he couldn't help but stop and stare. After a few moments of admiring her from afar, Jack finally mustered up the courage to go and talk to her. Jack nervously approached Jane and asked if she would like to take a walk with him around the park. To his surprise, she agreed! They talked about everything under the sun as they strolled around together - music, movies, books - but neither of them mentioned their feelings for each other yet. As they were walking back towards the bench where they'd met earlier, Jack finally decided it was now or never - this was his chance to tell Jane how he felt about her! He stopped in his tracks and declared that he had something important to say before they parted ways again. Jack took both of Jane's hands in his own and told her that for as long as he could remember, he'd been in love with her - not just as best friends but romantically too! His heart raced as waited for her response... And then suddenly she leaned forward and kissed him on the cheek! She said she'd always loved him too but hadn't wanted to ruin their friendship by confessing first! From that moment on they were inseparable - going on dates every weekend and spending every spare minute together whenever possible. They eventually got married after five years of blissful happiness together and lived happily ever after!


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