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时间2023-04-16 05:16:59 提问来自 江苏省南京市 的网友 分类创作 浏览345
Introduction The concept of “dedication” has been around for centuries and is often associated with great leaders such as the Chinese military strategist, Zhuge Liang. Zhuge Liang was known for his dedication to his country and its people, which ultimately led to his success. In this essay, I will discuss how dedication can be beneficial in achieving one's goals and how it can be applied in our daily lives. Body Paragraph 1 Dedication is an important quality that can help us achieve our goals and dreams. It involves hard work, perseverance, and a willingness to give up something in order to reach a desired outcome. For example, Zhuge Liang dedicated himself to serving the Kingdom of Shu during the Three Kingdoms period in China. He worked tirelessly day and night to develop strategies that would help the kingdom win battles against their enemies. His dedication eventually paid off as he was able to lead Shu to victory against their rivals in many battles throughout the war. Body Paragraph 2 In addition to helping us achieve our goals, dedication can also be applied in our daily lives. For instance, if we want to excel at a certain task or skill we need to dedicate ourselves fully by putting in extra effort and practice until we become proficient at it. This could mean sacrificing time from other activities or hobbies so that we can focus on perfecting our chosen skill or task; however, this sacrifice will pay off when we finally reach our goal or master the skill set needed for success. Conclusion In conclusion, dedication is an important quality for achieving success both professionally and personally; it involves hard work, perseverance and sometimes sacrifice but ultimately leads us closer towards reaching our goals and dreams. As demonstrated by Zhuge Liang’s example of dedicating himself fully towards serving his country during a time of war; if one dedicates themselves fully towards something they believe in then they are more likely than not going achieve their desired results eventually through sheer determination alone .


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