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时间2023-04-16 05:15:43 提问来自 江苏省南京市 的网友 分类创作 浏览302
In this day and age, it is undeniably true that dedication is a quality of paramount importance. Dedication involves the complete commitment to an object or cause, that one is willing to devote all of their energy and resources to. It is often said that dedication can bring about great success, as it allows individuals to focus on their goals with unwavering determination. For example, when one dedicates themselves to a certain task or project, they are more likely to see it through until the end. This in turn leads to a greater chance of achieving the desired outcome. Furthermore, dedication also serves as an inspiration for others around them – by committing oneself completely and wholly towards something they believe in, individuals can motivate those around them and encourage them to do the same. Moreover, dedication has been demonstrated time and again throughout history – from Mahatma Gandhi’s peaceful protests for Indian independence in the 20th century, to Rosa Parks’ refusal to give up her seat on a segregated bus in 1955 America – these acts of courage have inspired many generations since then. This goes on show how powerful dedication can be when harnessed correctly; its ability to bring about change despite adversity has no bounds. Finally, it is important for us all today realise the importance of dedicating ourselves towards achieving our dreams and aspirations; only through such unwavering commitment will we be able achieve greatness in life. Therefore let us all strive towards dedicating our lives towards making this world a better place for everyone!


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上一篇 写一篇奉献为主题的英语议论文 下一篇 以圆明园的七根石柱的回归为例,探讨文物的回归情况和路径,写800字的作文