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时间2023-04-16 00:12:46 提问来自 安徽省芜湖市 的网友 分类创作 浏览247
In recent years, the urban management work of our city has been further strengthened, and the overall level of urban management has been continuously improved. The city's urban management department has taken a series of effective measures to ensure the smooth progress of urban management work. 一、加强组织领导,推进城管工作取得新进展。我市加强了城市管理部门的领导,不断完善工作机制,明确了各部门的职责,减少了内部沟通成本,提高了工作效率。各部门相互协调、努力奋斗、共同抓好城市管理工作。 1、 Strengthen organizational leadership and promote new progress in urban management work. Our city has strengthened the leadership of the Urban Management Department, continuously improved its working mechanism, clarified the responsibilities of each department, reduced internal communication costs and improved work efficiency. All departments coordinate with each other, strive hard and jointly carry out urban management work. 二、实施“两个制度”,保障街道干部依法执行任务。我市实施“两个制度”:一是法律法规制度;另一是街道干部依法执行任务的制度。这样可以保证街道干部在执行任务时根据有关法律法规来进行相关处理。此外,对重大决定也要求必须由上级有关部门批准后方能生效。 2、 Implementing "two systems" to ensure that street cadres perform their duties according to law. Our city implements "two systems": one is legal system; the other is system for street cadres to perform their duties according to law. This can ensure that street cadres deal with relevant matters in accordance with relevant laws and regulations when performing their tasks. In addition, major decisions must also be approved by relevant departments at higher levels before they can take effect. 三、大力开展人员教育和能力建设:通过不断开展学习会、集中学习会及外出考察来不断提升人员的能力水平。此外还要不断开展心理教育来使人员在思想上树立正确方向意识及服从上级领导意志的意识形态。实施团体化考核来促使人员地勤勤俭俭地去学习并改进工作方法 。   3、 Carry out personnel education and capacity building vigorously: constantly improve personnel's ability level through study meetings, concentrated study meetings and field trips. In addition, psychological education should be carried out continuously to enable personnel to set up correct direction consciousness and ideological consciousness of obeying superior leadership will in thought. Group assessment should be implemented to encourage personnel to learn diligently and improve working methods


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