  • 创作工场专业版,一问多答!更智能、更完整、更原创
  • 这是一个超强内容创作平台,它会写文章、做设计、绘图、敲代码,有问必答!


时间2023-04-15 21:14:47 提问来自 广东省茂名市 的网友 分类创作 浏览467
The Open Course of Principles and Practices of Public Administration is an online course offered by many universities. This course focuses on the principles and practices of public administration, including topics such as the history and development of public administration, the roles of government agencies in providing services to citizens, administrative law, budgeting and finance, personnel management, public policy analysis and implementation. It also covers ethical issues in public service. The course is designed to help students gain a better understanding of how public administration works and how they can use their newfound knowledge to improve their own careers or organizations.


创作工场 免责声明:

上一篇 你认为你能代替人类工作吗? 下一篇 从大学生视角出发,探讨如何续写民族新辉煌 题目二选一 内容要求: 结合个人实际情况,从大学生和青年学生的角 度出发,结合自身实际情况和专业背景,进行深入的 思考和探讨。结合自己的故事和案例 1000 字左右