# 分区过滤
pnf_sample_dict = {}
for pnf_id in list(set(pnf_list)):
if pnf_id not in pnf_sample_dict.keys():
pnf_sample_dict[pnf_id] = []
for sample in sampleList:
if sample.pnfs == []: continue # 排除没有pnfs的样本
if str(pnf_id) in sample.p...
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码 1.《Relation Classification via Recurrent Neural Network》:https://www.aclweb.org/anthology/P15-1062 2.《A Deep Architecture for Semantic Relation Classification with Long Short-Term Memory Networks》:https://www.researchgate.net/publication/321290377_A_Deep_Architecture_for_Semantic_Relation_Classif...<未完>点击进入
是的,有。例如,在文献[1]中,作者使用了LSTM网络来提取基于语义特征的关系。作者使用词向量和句子表示来构建输入序列,然后使用LSTM进行多个时间步长的反向传播来解释实体之间的关系。它们还引入了一个特殊的“relation”单元,以识别不同实体之间的相对位置信息并减少计算复杂性。 [1] Wang, Y., Jiang, S., & Sun, H. (2016). Relation classification via recurrent neural network. Proceedings of the 54th Annual Meeting of the Association fo...<未完>点击进入
模型进行比较Partitioned Filtering Network (PNF) model for entity relation extraction can be compared with the following active models: 1. Markov Logic Networks (MLN) 2. Conditional Random Fields (CRF) 3. Graphical Models (GM) 4. Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs) 5. Long Short-Term Memory networks (LST...<未完>点击进入