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var prefix = "pre_"; var suffix = "_suf"; var str = "pre_hello world_suf pre_good morning_suf pre_how are you?_suf"; // 要求取出 hello world、good morning、how are you? 三个字符串 var regExp = new RegExp(prefix + "(.*?)" + suffix,"g"); // 创建正则表达式,匹配以前缀和后缀中间的文本 g表示全局搜索,即搜索整个字符串所有匹配的子字符串 let result = str.matc...<未完>点击进入
The course that impressed me most in college is my English class. It was a compulsory course for all of us, but I found it interesting and helpful. The teacher was an experienced one who taught us the basics of English grammar and composition. He also gave us plenty of opportunities to practice writ...<未完>点击进入