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1. Meet up at a restaurant: We could meet up at a restaurant and have dinner together. 2. Go to the movies: We could go to the movies and watch a movie together. 3. Have a picnic in the park: We could have a picnic in the park and enjoy the sunshine together. 4. Play board games at home: We could...<未完>点击进入
<canvas>标签本身不支持图片的弧度和姿态角度的变化,但是通过使用Canvas 2D API可以实现这个功能。 具体步骤如下: 1. 获取Canvas上下文: var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d'); 2. 加载图片:var img = new Image(); 3. 绘制图片:ctx.drawImage(img, x, y); 4. 旋转图片:ctx.rotate(angle); // angle为弧度值 5. 选择要旋转的中心点 ctx.translate(x, y); // x,y为旋转中心点坐标 6。重新绘制旋转后的图片 ctx.drawI...<未完>点击进入